20 Questions With Mika Lagdameo

This multi-hyphenated mama is one of Manila's top influencers. She's a beach lover who inspires a multitude of women to live life with grace, gratitude and style. Let's get to know Mika Lagdameo...
1. Tell us a little something about yourself. I’m a mom of 3, started in the modeling industry 25 years ago, but i’m also turning 40 next year!
2. What’s been keeping you busy these days?
Juggling life itself, motherhood, my biz @beautyre_store and a lot of work - emotionally; mentally & physically. Just trying to enjoy life as much as I can!
3. Any tips for aspiring content creators?
Be authentic, & enjoy the process of capturing moments, but know when to take a step back & just live in the moment. Social media is not everything. It is a job too, so find your balance & don’t get lost in that world.
4. Beach or mountains?
5. What’s your favorite beach in the world?
Anywhere in the Philippines! I think we still have the best beaches in the world.
6. Who would you want to be stuck with on a deserted island?
A genie 🤣
7. What are your 5 essentials for any beach trip?
A bikini, sun block, tanning oil, lots of water to drink, and great company
8. Bikini or one-piece? Bikini
9. We love your posts with your kids. What is the best thing about being a mom?
Just watching them bloom into their own person & being there to guide them along the way🤍
10. What are you most passionate about?
Mental health.
11. What or who inspires you?
The people around me; places I travel to, all the little things around me~ the simpler things, have become the more important things.
12. Do you have a mantra? Or words you try to live by?
“This too shall pass.” And that’s why I have it tattooed on my arm. A reminder that everything is temporary, we ride the waves of life ~ all the good and seemingly bad~ it’s all part of the journey that leads to something wonderful.
13. How do you stay positive when things get tough?
Take a breath & a step back. Assess the situation. Accept it as it is, work towards the solution, and go through it. It’s a whole process that can’t be rushed.
14. Name something most people don’t know about you.
I just love food and eating, and I don’t enjoy cooking. Haha!
I love to travel with my kids and friends, but I also enjoy traveling alone.
15. What social issue is top of mind for you now?
Divorce in the Philippines. I don’t understand why it keeps being pushing it aside.
16. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Being 50! Holy camoly. Just free, happy, healthy, traveling the world still, seeing my kids flourish in their own lives. And A better, kinder, & wiser woman free from all trauma, & all life’s hangups!
17. How do you stay fit and healthy?
I have regular sessions with my therapist, i do ice baths twice/thrice a week, it also works as meditation for me, hot yoga at Vida, pilates at one life, daily walks and weight training once in a while. I also visit my chiropractor for constant alignment. Doing the right breath Work & stretching before bedtime makes a difference! Prayer is a part of my life.
18. Salty or sweet?
Both! Haha! But nowadays salty is more appealing as I’ve cut down on sweets miraculously.
19. Any guilty pleasures?
Spontaneous travels.
20. If you could pick 3 Sun Bum products that you can’t live without, what would they be?
Sun Bum Tanning Oil
Sun Bum 3 in 1 Leave in Hair Conditioner
Sun Bum Face Mist 45
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